
strategic line

_Education is the foundation of development.

Sra. Doris Legorreta de Beckmann

The history of Tequila’s youth comes all the way back from its roots, which lead the Foundation to orientate not only the teaching, but also something that underlies: the reality of children and adolescents in a phase very vulnerable to risk.

These aspects have included intense periods promoting teaching, through educational and training schemes, designed in a creative way, with technical, pedagogical and human basis for any profession.

To follow up the crystallization of our goal, we generate that young people with limited opportunities and growing in a hard work environment, can see themselves applying academic knowledge, on firm and proactive paths, with a support network context, so they can be agents of change in the community of Tequila.

To follow up the crystallization of our goal, we generate opportunities…


Through this integral model of education, year after year, young people between 11 and 15 years old are benefited from our initiatives. Simultaneously we work with the entire educative community and parents, to reinforce the environment on which they are evolving; integrating a positive bond that allows cognitive and affective development.

We have established an alliance with institutions specialized in education issues, propitiating the psycho-educational development of the young people benefited with the programs.

Integral Model of Education
Integral Model of Education Integral Model of Education


We work to ease the process of academic learning and to promote values in children and adolescents, for their personal and community growth; implementing different strategies of personal and social development in each one of them, seeking their own improvement and solidity of healthy self-concept, according to his age.

  • Consumption of drugs at this age increases the risk of developing an addiction.
  • During adolescence, conflicts, emotions and interaction with the environment take on greater relevance.
  • Certain problems in the transition of adolescent autonomy can generate family conflicts.
  • To differentiate friendships that help, from those that leads them to make wrong decisions.
  • To offer them meaningful experiences that can be applied to reality, reinforcing the interest in studying.
  • Job opportunities increase the possibility of adolescents dropping out of high school.
  • Demonstrating adaptive ways to resolve conflicts is a necessary social skill.

The impact that Beckman Foundation has on young people is permanent, encouraging them to study through formative and educational programs, having as a reference the plans and programs recommended for the student population, with the 2018 model. We have been introducing the youth to a new vision, in the comprehension reading and applied mathematics areas, two important pillars in the pedagogical system, required for all other subjects and aspects of his life.

Estrategia Estrategia

Strategic alliances

We are convinced that the sum of the efforts of more than one actor multiplies the benefits in favor of our people. When carrying out our job, we work hand in hand with important agents and institutions without which, this ambitious project would not be possible, such as the Ministry of Public Education (), Jalisco Ministry of Education (), the teachers union, heads of sectors, teaching crews (supervisors, principals and teachers), parents’ society, private institutions that support us with educational innovation programs, AS Capacitación (LECTUM/DUXVIA) and Fundación de Investigación Social AC ().

Secretaría de Educación Pública Educación Jalisco Instituto AS LECTUM DUXVIA FISAC

Preventive education

Through this program the Beckman Foundation works directly with the three main agents of change within the community: teenagers, teachers and parents. The purpose of forming responsible young people, leaders, entrepreneurs, is that they can transform and improve their community. Preventive education is a process of 6 stages.

By following up this project we are able to detect young people at potential risk, through the process of participatory diagnosis (), addressing vulnerable areas in this stage of human and psychological development.

This way we can support their academic performance and their physical and emotional integrity, seeking an expedient follow-up that facilitates their design and visualization in the future.

Local initiatives and SDG alignment

Diagnosis test (POSIT)

This tool is applied to the entire population of secondary school students, and a personalized service is provided to all of those whose results represent a risk area. The higher the score, the greater the vulnerability.

Results 2017–2018

  • 6 secondary school attended
  • 56 groups of 6 secondary schools of the 3rd grade
  • Students assessed: 1,925
  • Students detected at risk: 155 (8%)
  • Female: 95 (61.3%)
  • Male: 60 (38.7%)
Concept POSIT
Total student population 2,103 1,957 1,809
Assessed 2,103 1,925 1,809
Detected at risk 168 155 120
Female 109 95 66
Male 79 60 54
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Encuesta diagnóstico POSIT Encuesta diagnóstico POSIT Encuesta diagnóstico POSIT Encuesta diagnóstico POSIT Encuesta diagnóstico POSIT Encuesta diagnóstico POSIT


Young are a projection of their family system, as they go relating their adolescence process to the sensations and attitudes they are experiencing, through a creative and trustworthy explanation, the greater would be the change that their formation is also causing within the families.

For this reason and as a complement to balance the everyday situations they live, workshops of both, academic and formative content, were given.

Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Workshop name Sessions Attendees Public
Love does not hurt 5 166 Tequila secondary school students
End of slavery 6 198
The power of thought 5 114
Emotions and feelings 1 7
Life project 4 83
Totals 21 568
Talleres Talleres Talleres Talleres

Permanent psychological orientation

Areas of greatest risk are detected according to the diagnosis; through workshops and psychological counseling, with parent’s authorization, we start working with them individually and confidentiality.

  • 782 psychological orientation
  • 6,005 invested hours
Local initiatives and SDG alignment

Interactive sexual education project: E week

Thanks to the support of the Tecnológico de Monterrey university, awareness project on pregnant teens problems was implemented.

This research, mapping and data base, were conducted by an interdisciplinary group, composed of 5 students, to develop an interactive project for young between 11 and 15 years; where questions on sexuality issues would be ask freely and anonymously. This social campaign will be launched in 2019 with the support of volunteers from this institution.

  • 5 student
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Educación Sexual Interactiva Educación Sexual Interactiva Educación Sexual Interactiva Educación Sexual Interactiva Educación Sexual Interactiva Educación Sexual Interactiva

Sexual education campaign

Responding to the need of improving information, due to the concern for adolescent pregnancies and the indiscriminate use of the “next day” pill, this campaign consisted of orienting with educational talks, the third grade students of all high schools.

Conferences and workshops were held with the same content and audiovisual material for both men and women. For these activities trainers and surgeons assisted, who were previously prepared in both content and forms, in order to provide similar knowledge to the different groups.

  • 6 attended schools
  • 3rd grade secondary groups
  • 350 students benefited
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Campaña de educación sexual Campaña de educación sexual Campaña de educación sexual Campaña de educación sexual

ero alcohol in minors and responsibility for the consumption of alcoholic beverages campaign

Campaña 0 Alcohol a menores de edad Secondary and high school students lived the Zero alcohol campaign, through educational dynamics and playful activities. This interaction allowed them to experience alcohol effect simulation on daily life actions, to think over the importance of not drinking alcohol at an early age and to understand the difference between responsible and irresponsible consumption.

The “Zero alcohol in minors” application was launched. It provides prevention and protection tips, based on the characters of the play El último trago presented during the campaign.

All possible social actors are involved, including the tenants that sell alcohol. Experiential workshops are held to raise awareness and commit not to sell alcohol to minors.

Sessions Public Persons
1 Tequila high schools 1,200
1 Tecnológico Mario Molina campus Tequila 800
1 Tequila secondary schools 1,900
4 Universidades de Guadalajara and Ciudad de México 2,100
Totals 6,000
Disponible en Google Play
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Campaña 0 Alcohol a menores de edad Campaña 0 Alcohol a menores de edad Campaña 0 Alcohol a menores de edad Campaña 0 Alcohol a menores de edad

Improvement route

It is a guideline in the education strategy to optimize the planning and effective application of programs, to solve the needs of young people, teachers and the educational community.

Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Ruta de mejora Ruta de mejora Ruta de mejora Ruta de mejora Ruta de mejora Ruta de mejora

Educational actions with corporate staff

As part of our educational and awareness-raising work, we extend some topics of interest to the corporate staff, employees and collaborators of Casa Cuervo, with the purpose of sensitize, and because we believe that they will be useful according to the social reality we are living in.

Among these actions, a workshop was held, in conjunction with Grupo Baillères, to sensitize Jose Cuervo employees about the myths and truths of the Educational Reform in Mexico.

Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Venue Workshop Sessions Persons
Camichines plant “Responsabilidad ante el consumo” workshop 3 37
Camichines plant Emotional intelligence 1 119
Tequila, Guadalajara, La Laja, CDMX Educational reform 20 377
Totals 24 533
Personal interno Personal interno

Reading gathering

For the fourth consecutive year, we promoted the reading campaign throughout the Región Valles, dwhere students from 11 to 15-year-old, participated reading as much as 7,716 books, that is, an increase of 60% compared to last year. This way we encourage reading with the support of principals and teachers of the secondary school Spanish academy.

The purpose is that the student reads, understands, rediscovers the passion for books, its application and benefits. This practice is supported by the SEP, extended to the entire Región Valles.

The grand finale takes place at the Jose Cuervo Forum with prizes for students such as book vouchers, and a 15-session course to develop rapid reading with the LECTUM institute.

Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Reading campaign
2016 2017 2018 Percentage increase from 2016 to 2018
Participating students 340 4,500 7,716 2,169%
Accumulated reading hours 5,523 27,000 38,580 599%
Read books 340 4,500 7,716 2,169%
Participating secondary schools 6 18 42 600%
Encuentro de lectores Encuentro de lectores Encuentro de lectores Encuentro de lectores Encuentro de lectores Encuentro de lectores

A story about work

The highest score in fast reading skills: Leilany Zazueta Dávalos

The youth of Tequila is already distinguished and it is differentiated in their own way of expression and history, we can see how they take advantage of every opportunity offered to them, to move forward.

Proof of this is the case of Leilany Zazueta Dávalos, a secondary student, who had the initiative to participate in the call for the reading gathering, held every year by the Beckmann Foundation along with the educational community.

Reading, comprehension and her outstanding story-telling presentation of the book she choose, El castillo ambulante, by Diana Wynne Jones, made her a scholarship recipient to take the LECTUM quick reading course, in which she demonstrated not only one of the highest achievement scores, but one of the most amazing personal progress percentages that have been registered since this project first started, reaching a reading performance of 29,070 words per minute at the end of the course, with 100% comprehension.

The aim of these courses is for young people to rediscover their passion for reading. Once they are involved, they realize that reading changes their lives, and they find a key to better understand current and future subjects.

Leylany Zazueta Dávalos

Fast reading course

The structure of the LECTUM course, seeks for the student to become an efficient reader through the development of their physical and mental abilities, such as attention and concentration, new learning channels, understanding, information organization and a better use of study time.


  • 40 scholarship winners
  • 15 levels of progress
  • 2 focal groups: Tequila-18 students / Etzatlán-22 students
  • 96% assimilation
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Curso de lectura rápida Curso de lectura rápida Curso de lectura rápida Curso de lectura rápida

Math course

A math diagnosis was applied to all six secondary schools. According to those results, two (highest and lowest) score student groups were formed, who where granted with intensive-playful DUXVIA math course scholarships, so that students would dominate the subject as if they where 3rd grade high schoolers. Trough a series of logics and math games the students were sensitize, not only developing knowledge but an attitude before life.

Diagnosis application:

  • 1,685 students
  • 87% of total secondary population

Course imparted:

  • 2 groups of students
    • 1st group (30 students)
    • 2nd group (29 students)
  • 23 sessions
  • 95% assimilation
  • 52 graduate student
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Curso de matemáticas Curso de matemáticas Curso de matemáticas Curso de matemáticas

A story about effort

3rd place in state math contest: René Reyes García

At Beckmann Foundation, we have been collaborating with all secondary schools, on spanish and math areas especially. As a result of this formation and promotion, carried out on alliance with DUXVIA institute, and as a pride to our municipallity, René Reyes García student at General Cenobio Sauza Madrigal secondary school, took part on the Robomath Challenge state math contest, where obtained 3rd place; it is important to highlight that only a few decimals were the difference against the competitors who won first and second places.

This was a call from the Jalisco Ministry of Education, aiming to promote the creativity and analysis at solving problems that imply math reasoning competences on secondary students. This is the biggest science and technology educational event of our country.

The principal at General Cenobio Sauza Madrigal secondary school, DUXVIA institute and Beckmann Foundation, recognize and congratulate the effort of this subject professors, as well as René´s and his family for this achievement, hopping this would be the beginning of many more stories that will be reflected in the welfare of the people.

A story about values

Behind a full forum, there is family: fathers and mothers

We have discovered that too many times we expect numbers and titles to measure the success of an initiative, and whether some results are intangible that should not be reason to thought them less important but on the contrary.

Each year we recognize the academic excellence of the students, their effort and outcomes. But we also witness with great excitement an increase of parent assistance to this and to other events. We know how behind a good grade there is also the effort of the parents that support their children and backup our initiatives, that behind a full forum there are the families who entrust and spread the participation voice.

As a work team, the answer and welcoming of the community is one of the clearest indicators that the planning and investment are worthy, seeing them right there, present, applauding, it means to us the true synonym of success.

Academic excellence

“Because the effort is worth”. Teaming up with Región Valles principals and supervisors, Beckmann Foundation recognizes and awards all students with the three highest grades of primary school within the Tequila municipality and secondary schools in the region. The main objective is to motivate and encourage the effort and discipline of the students, through a protocol event at the Jose Cuervo Forum, as an incentive, a live musical show.

  • 1,938 parents at the academic excellence event
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Participant primaries 40
Awarded students 1,173
Communities Tequila, Palmitos, Atemanica, Medineño, Mitlán, TuitÁn, La Labor, San MartÍn de las Cañas, El Tepetate, El Cobano, Potrero de los Rivera, Santa Teresa, El Olvido, Tlaltihuileca, El Salvador, Jalpilla, San Pedro de los Landeros, Tapexco, La Lagunilla y Ojos de Agua.
Attendees to event More than 2,000
Participant secondary 33
Awarded students 765
Communities Tequila, El Salvador, El Arenal, Etzatlán, San Juanito de Escobedo, San Marcos, Tala, Teuchitlán, Huaxtla, Hostotipaquillo, Oconahua, Santa Cruz y Ahualulco.
Attendees to event More than 1,500
Alumnos con excelencia académica Alumnos con excelencia académica

Formative workshops for teachers

To strengthen teaching on the improvement route, we provide trainings, workshops and conferences to the teachers in the region. They are the ones in direct contact with the students and who support us in transmitting the initiatives. Didactic activities are implemented and topics such as responsible consumption and adolescent management are taught.

Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Public Workshop name Sessions Attendees
Tequila and Etzatlan secondary docents. Psychological docent profile 1 28
Professor psychological variables 2 49
ED-like talk (Self knowledge) 1 20
Emotional regulation 1 27
Docent strategies for learning 2 50
Totals 7 174
Maestros en taller formativo Maestros en taller formativo

Educative innovation

Neither this year could we let go of recognizing our teachers, with whom we add efforts to elevate the educational quality of the youth. In manner of celebration, we brought in two of the best speakers of the country, to offer them new tools, but at the same time to acknowledge their labor.

  • 2 conferences with two of the best speakers in the country:

    Jesús Amaya Guerra, PhD (Monterrey, N.L.)
    “Educando a la generación zombi”

    Ricardo Perret Erhard (Saltillo, Coahuila)
    “Hábitos transformadores”

  • 800 Región Valles teachers
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Dr. Jesús Amaya Guerra Dr. Jesús Amaya Guerra Ricardo Perret Erhard Ricardo Perret Erhard

2nd math congress

At the 2nd edition of this congress, our main goal was that teachers of this region could detect and share their teaching skills and better practices to the educational community, as an example: applications that can be used online, games that can be implemented in the classrooms and design of strategies that sum at educational quality.

Local initiatives and SDG alignment
  • 7 presentations by regional teachers
  • 1 workshop Aprender a desaprender, by Duxvia
  • 1 presentation Aprendizaje experiencial y la solución de problemas, with Ricardo Valenzuela PhD, Tec de Monterrey
  • 82 Región Valles teachers attended
Congreso de matemáticas Congreso de matemáticas Congreso de matemáticas Congreso de matemáticas Congreso de matemáticas Congreso de matemáticas

Meetings with principals and teachers technical board

They take place the last Friday of every month. To us, teachers and education authorities are the key, whom in their role of formers, work to open, focus or even change the vision of the youngers. Seeing eye to eye with them is primordial to the Foundation, they are as important and influential figure to Tequila´s society, as it is indispensable the participation of the whole population.

Local initiatives and SDG alignment
1 Planning times and actions to accomplish math program
2 Logistics to organize 2nd math congress
3 Logistics for teacher´s day celebration
4 Logistics for academic excellence, for primary and secondary school in the Región Valles and the municipality
5 Presenting reports on the preventive education program and comparison of each school principal
6 Forming technical board at beginning of school period
7 Logistics for POSIT application
Reunión de consejo técnico Reunión de consejo técnico Reunión de consejo técnico Reunión de consejo técnico

Parent school

Through formative workshops and psychological orientation, parents help their sons and daughters to prevent and solve risk situations. Furthermore, a bond for mutual credibility is established, where parents witness the process of formation and deep learning, which efficiently impacts the integral development of their teenagers.

  • Psychological orientation
  • Assessment of students at risk with advice and parent follow-up
  • 8 parents
Workshop Public Attendees
End of slavery FOVAL parents 50
Totals 50
Local initiatives and SDG alignment
Escuela para padres Escuela para padres Escuela para padres Escuela para padres

indicators summary

Program Attendees
Preventive education 120 at psychological orientation
Workshops 568 attendees
Responsibility for the consumption 6,000 persons
Sexual education campaign 350 students
Interactive sexual education project 5 students
Family parents 58 persons
Reading gathering 7,716 participants
Fast reading course 40 scholarships winners
Math course 52 graduate students
Primary academic excellence 1,173 awarded students
Secondary academic excellence 765 awarded students
Formative workshops for teachers 174 attendees
2nd math congress 82 Region Valles teachers
Teacher´s day celebration 800 Region Valles teachers
Educational actions with corporate staff 533 employees
18,436 persons