A story of inspiration
14 consecutive years of amazement: Festival and Academy of Tequila
One of our great achievements on the cultural field, through the music school and both national and international bonds we have established, is the Festival and Academy of Tequila, in which our main motor is that students discover they have this creative capacity and talent.
During 14 consecutive years, the young musicians of our region have gathered to participate in clinics imparted by great teachers and important artists, whom advise them and help them to improve in different genres and disciplines. Thanks to these workshops, the participants have achieved interpretations in various languages like German and Italian, as well as getting familiar with various genres as opera and operetta.
As a closure for this working days, all together present a show of international statue in which can be admired the effort and enthusiasm of both students and teachers. An unforgettable event that year after year fills with magic and inspiration the whole region.
This demonstrates the capacity and talent available in the region, and we hope that in the future we can also have artists from outside Tequila, that an artist’s villa be created, where a cultural exchange arises; this will be a reality to enlarge the intellectual strengthening, the disciplines and that art becomes a banner in the community.